
Dumas the three musketeers
Dumas the three musketeers

dumas the three musketeers

The character assassination (as well as literaly assassination) of Madame Bonancieux particularly bothered me, because she doesn't seem like remotely the same character that we meet earlier in the book as she is at the end. I loved most of it, but I'm only giving it four stars because the ending is so ? It's like Dumas just wanted to wrap everything up and didn't really care how. But I did! It might be several hundred years old but many parts are still very relatable and others are just genuinely funny. I first read this book in 2008 and immediately loved it, so I was a bit worried now going back that I wouldn't enjoy it as much. I'm annoyed with myself because of it, even though it shouldn't really matter. I don't know what's up with me and my reading lately, but I won't make my goal of 100 read books this year. Okay, so it took me forever to finish this, but that should not be held against the book.

Dumas the three musketeers